Studying Abroad
Live in your own student apartment

You would like to study medicine, dentistry, biotechnology or another subject in Hungary? Or you’re a scientist and work mainly at the University of Pécs?
You’ve made an excellent choice and we have the perfect apartment for you. Here you’ll find an apartment in the Hungarian student town of Pécs.
The gorgeous apartment building is an example of Hungarian Art Nouveau architecture in a great location, decorated with a keen appreciation for detail. A home away from home for work and study!
Random Facts
Country: Ungarn
Region: Südtransdanubien
Coordinates: 46° 3′ 0″ N, 18° 16′ 0″ E
46.05°, 18.266667°
Area: 162,61 km²
Population: 157.721 (1. Jan. 2011)